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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Villa Tinta

The Spring Harvest of Villa Tinta Medals

21.06.2023, News

Congratulations on the new victories of Villa Tinta, the WTA nominee in the category of The Visiting Card of the Country/Must Visit. Over the past months, Villa Tinta has received more than ten medals at international and Ukrainian wine competitions.

Situated in the picturesque Yalpug Lake Valley, Villa Tinta owns 550 hectares of vineyards (and additionally processes grapes grown on 600 hectares of partner vineyards). The unique terroir finds its expression in wines made from European varieties as well as local ones like Odesa Black and Sukholimansky. The winery offers a range of wines, including Villa Tinta (dry table wines from local and European grape varieties), Tintarella (sparkling wines made using the Charmat-Martinotti method), and Tinta (semi-sweet  cuvée wines).

The quality of Villa Tintas wines, which is regularly confirmed by results in professional competitions, is ensured not only by the exceptional terroir, but also by top-notch equipment and highly skilled winemakers.

Villa Tinta actively promotes its wines in Ukraine and internationally. This spring, the company, alongside the finest Ukrainian wines at the Wines of Ukraine collective stand, participated in ProWein, the official exhibition partner of Drinks+ and the Wine Travel Awards, in Düsseldorf, Vyno dienos in Vilnius, and the London Wine Fair, the official exhibition partner of Drinks+ and the Wine Travel Awards. Furthermore, their exceptional wines garnered significant attention at Wine&Spirits Ukraine and Vinnytsia Wine Days in Ukraine.

Vinnytsia Wine Days 2023, a new wine event in Ukraine founded just this year, was held despite the ongoing war and destruction. These wine culture days included exhibitions, tastings, professional conferences, masterclasses, and the nationwide tasting competitions Odesa Wine&Spirit Awards та «Best Odesa Black». Blind tastings were conducted by a jury of 12 experts, according to the rules and standards of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV). As a result, Villa Tinta Odessa Black 2020 premium collection and Villa Tinta Odessa Black 2019 VIP collection received gold medals in the competition.

During the Wine&Spirits Ukraine 2023 exhibition (held in Kyiv on March 29-31th), the international tasting competition Ukraine Wine&Spirits Awards took place, supported by the Association of Sommeliers of Ukraine and the International Sommelier Association, following the standards of the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine). This competition of resilient Ukrainian winemakers, who continued their peaceful craft even during war, shelling, and rocket attacks, has set a record in the number of platinum and gold medals!

In the Ukraine Wine&Spirits Awards 2023, Villa Tinta received five gold and eight silver medals, with eight out of eight submitted samples becoming winners.

Villa Tinta earned gold medals for a wide range of their wines, including Villa Tinta Odessa Black 2019 VIP collection, Villa Tinta Odessa Black 2020, Villa Tinta Cabernet 2019 VIP wine selection, Villa Tinta Cabernet 2020, Villa tinta Merlot 2018 VIP wine selection. The silver medals were received by Villa Tinta Irsai Oliver 2020, Villa Tinta Riesling 2019, Villa Tinta Sukholimansky 2020.

We also express our congratulations and pride for Villa Tinta’s performance at the International Wine & Spirit Competition, one of the most prestigious contests worldwide. At this event, Villa Tinta Odesa Black 2019 VIP wine selection  received a silver medal with an impressive score of 91 points from esteemed judges.

Villa Tinta Winery is a member of the “Danube Bessarabia” Association of Grape Growers and Winemakers, as well as a part of the  «Wine and Taste Road of Ukrainian Bessarabia», the winner of the Wine Travel Awards 2023 in the category of The Visiting Card of the Country/Region of the year.

May Villa Tinta continue to succeed in wine competitions and flourish in its commitment to sustainable development in a peaceful country!
