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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

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Merry Christmas and a happy victorious New Year, Ukraine! 

21.12.2023, News

This difficult year is coming to an end…

Time flies at such a maddening speed and each year contains so many events that it would be enough for as many as ten. For us, Ukrainians, it was a year of expectations, hopes and disappointments, and, despite everything, a year of hope and faith in our Victory. Working hard, supporting the Ukrainian economy, and donating to the Armed Forces of Ukraine — this is what we do, consistently. We are proud of Ukrainian winemakers and spirits producers who, despite the challenges of the war, have once again demonstrated significant development of the industry, presented many new high-class releases on the Ukrainian and international markets, and won an impressive number of medals from national and international wine and spirits competitions. We are pleased to be with them in this endeavor and will continue to support the industry in word and deed. 

So we enter the New Year with new hopes and new expectations. On the eve of Christmas, we would like to wish all our readers, colleagues and partners light, warmth, love and peace in their families and households. These are simple things that make us happy, and they are especially valuable now. 

Merry Christmas and a happy victorious New Year, Ukraine! 

Sincerely and best wishes, Drinks+ editorial tea
