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Я підтверджую, що мені, на жаль, давно виповнилося 18 роківA record number of samples will be presented at the event, which will be held on the 12th.
The 12th the Balkans International Wine Competition (BIWC) is scheduled for June 1-3 in Bistrita Nasaud, Transylvania, Romania. In addition to the competition, from June 15 to 17, 2023, the Balkan Wine Festival will be held outdoors in front of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. The festival provides a unique opportunity to taste the wines awarded during the Competition and to get acquainted with the various wine-making cultures of the Balkan region. Tickets for the Balkan Wine Festival are now on sale – here and here.
The Balkans International Wine Competition is a prestigious event that gathers wine experts and enthusiasts from all over the world, the jury consists of 25 people, which includes 5 MW and MS from Japan, USA, UK, France, Switzerland and famous wine figures from the Balkans and all of Europe. After the competition, a commercial tasting will be organized in the courtyard of the Complexul Muzeal Bistrita-Nasaud, to which business representatives, sommeliers, distributors and wine lovers from all over the world are invited.
Last year, Drinks+ Media Group and the International Wine Travel Awards acted as an information partner at the Balkan competition held in Greece (Island of Salamina) and the Wine Festival in Bulgaria. At both events, the WTA team presented the Wine Travel Awards Guide, published by the media group Drinks+, which includes stories about all the nominees, voting winners and award winners for 2021-2022.
In recent years the Balkans International Wine Competition has gone beyond its regional significance and attracted more and more participants and wineries from outside the Balkan countries. The number of wineries participating in the competition is steadily growing, over 1,000 wine samples have been submitted over the past year. Compared to the first competition, the number of samples has increased by more than 180%, and over the past 10 years, the number of wineries participating in the competition has increased almost 5 times. This year there will be a record number of samples from Italy, whose winemakers see the Balkan wine event as a great platform to enter one of Europe’s biggest markets, namely the Balkans with its 82 million inhabitants.
In the Best of Show category, wines from each country compete separately, but the focus remains on Balkan wines, and only they can compete for trophies in individual categories and for the big trophy – Best Wine of the Balkans.
The awards ceremony and gala dinner (he Balkan Wine Oscars), which this year will be attended by more than 250 guests – will take place on June 3 at the 17th-century Teleki Castle (Transylvania), where the competition will also take place. The Best of Show prizes for individual participating countries will be awarded during the gala dinner, and the remaining 15 prizes in various categories will be announced at the opening of the Balkan Wine Festival on June 15 at 21:00 in Sofia.
Teleki Castle
The Balkans International Wine Competition & Festival is a platform that gives the different parties of the wine business (producers, distributors and importers) an opportunity to get to know each other and start new business relationships. Each year, the competition is held in a different country in the Balkans, which helps promote the country. So far, the event has been held in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, this year it will be held in Romania, which was announced at last year’s official ceremony and gala dinner.
Detailed information about the competition, the festival and the jury is available on the website the Balkans International Wine Competition & Festival.