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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023

The Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023 – Traveling Around the World


Good news from the Wine Travel Awards team: starting this year, the advertising campaign for the award nominees will last at least a year and a half instead of a year and a half as it used to be before.

This happened due to the improvement of the award algorithm: now the catalog of nominees – The Wine Travel Awards Guide – will be released at the beginning of the year following the award year and distributed at the world’s leading wine exhibitions until June. This adds six months of active marketing for each new participant – so we invite you to join us: there are 27 days left until the application deadline.

So, in line with these changes, The Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023, a unique printed and digital catalog uniting WTA community members of the second awards season, has recently been published. The WTA Guide is a true navigator of exciting experiences and personalities in the world of wine and wine tourism for professionals and wine lovers.

This edition on around 250 pages will be distributed throughout 2024 at major wine fairs and events globally, including Wine Paris-Vinexpo Paris 2024, ProWine 2024, Vinitaly 2024, London Wine Fair 2024, as well as fairs and events in Georgia, Poland, Baltic countries, Ukraine, etc. The WTA Guide is a strong introduction to the target audiences of the most powerful world’s exhibitions where participants will get a printed copy of the Guide.

Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023

Visitors to ProWein will also be able to scan a QR-code from the posters which will lead to the digital WTA Guide. The digital version will be available on the WTADrinks+ProWine and Wine Paris-Vinexpo Paris websites. Additionally, the WTA Guide will feature in email marketing campaigns to our database of 22,650 international wine and tourism professionals and operators to enhance global awareness and attract new partners, distributors, and consumers.

Robert Joseph

Robert Joseph

The sponsor of this informative publication is Consorzio dell’Asti DOCG. In this issue, you will learn what Robert Joseph’s assessment of local wines, including the world’s first sparkling quevrey, was during his visit to Shumi Winery (Georgia).

Chris Yorke

Where to Go to Taste Real American Beef in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan… How Chris Yorke, CEO of Austrian Wine, evaluates such an outstanding wine event as The VieVinum… What corners of France and what ways privileged tourists of the premium Wine Paths agency get to… What plans Nicolas Clerc MS — President of the United Kingdom Sommelier Academy has as an ambassador… What Winalist proposes to visitors today… Or what modern cocktails based on wine are recommended by Giorgio Facchinetti, Ambassador of Consortium of Asti Spumante and Moscato d’Asti DOCG… And many, many other things that boggle the imagination and call every oenotourist to travel.

Nicolas Clerc

Nicolas Clerc

Anyone who does not rely on chance and would like to receive a guaranteed copy of The Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022–2023, we invite you to fill out an application for the Guide, paying only for delivery.

Giorgio Facchinetti

For collaborations and partnerships, please contact: partnership@winetravelawards.com or +38 067 447 45 78 (WhatsApp).
