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Я підтверджую, що мені, на жаль, давно виповнилося 18 роківA new portfolio was presented at the Wine Travel Awards 2021-2022 Ceremony at the London Wine Fair.
As part of the First Wine Travel Awards Ceremony in London, the London Wine Fair hosted a tasting of Blue Nun wines by F.W. Langguth Erben: Blue Nun Authentic White, Blue Nun Authentic Pink, Blue Nun Sparkling 24K Gold Edition.
Blue Nun wines were also presented at the joint Drinks+ and Wine Travel Awards Stand during the three days of the exhibition. F.W. Langguth Erben has the status of German National Sponsor of the Awards.
The new portfolio is focused on authenticity and the new look – iconic and distinctive Blue Nun packaging the New York star designer, Paula Scher has developed. More details here.