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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Asti і Moscato d'Asti


21.04.2023, News

Feel the sparkling world of Asti Vibe.

VINUM 2023 -the wine-food event that invites to discover the treasures of Piedmonts’ wine.

April 22 to 25 and April 29 to May 1, Alba will host an event dedicated to the best wines and food from the UNESCO hills, transforming the old town into a huge open-air winery. Consorzio Tutela dell’Asti Wine Travel Awards partner will join this wine event.

Asti і Moscato d'Asti

From 10.30 to 20.00 “Ape Glam” awaits you in Piazza San Paolo (Alba – CN) to taste Asti and Moscato d’Asti with tastings guided and curated by the Italian Sommelier Association and discover surprising cocktails enhanced by the taste of the DOCG and feel the sparkling world of Asti Vibe.


This year the WTA community was replenished with 20 absolutely unique nominees – wineries, wine brands, wine routes, personalities and events – who all together create the great story of the Asti Spumante and Moscato d’Asti. By the way, some of them, as well as the Consorzio Tutela dell’Asti, became the winners of the public voting.

Moreover, Consorzio Tutela dell’Asti  will join the WTA special event as The Sponsor of a Welcome Drink in the framework of the London Wine Fair, WTA exhibition partner. The Consortium will provide welcome wine for invited guests of the event – sommeliers, press, buyers as well as prosperous names of businesses and personalities in the wine tourism industry. Our team will present the WTA nominees, sponsors, jury members and will do a grand wine tasting.

Date: Wednesday 17 May, from 10 am to 12 pm
Location: Industry Briefing Room at Olympia London, LWF.


Source: astidocg.it/en
Photo: astidocg.it/en, facebook.com/vinumalba
