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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Be Wine Show-2023

Be Wine Show-2023 will be dedicated to the restoration of the wine industry

06.09.2023, News

The large-scale event of the wine world from HOTELIERO will bring together the best local and international producers, restaurateurs, hoteliers, wine industry experts, professional sommeliers and connoisseurs of wine culture for two days.

Be Wine Show 2023 will be held from September 30 to October 1 in the Congress center «Parkovy» (Parkova doroga, 16a, Kyiv).

This year, Drinks+ Communication Media Group and Wine Travel Awards have become international information partners of the Be Wine Show. The D+ & WTA team will present at the event their media group and an exciting project – the Wine Travel Awards international wine tourism award, where we will be glad to see all the participants and guests. If you are interested in making your company, brands and services more integrated and visible in the competitive world of wine and wine tourism, please join us. The doors of our project are always open for new partnerships and integrations.

Hundreds and hundreds of wine brands will participate in the event, Ukrainian producers and importers will present the best new products, as well as conduct professional tastings and speed-testing. This year, the Be Wine Show will be held under the slogan «Recovery» and will be dedicated to the recovery of the wine industry.

«We understand that it is quite ambitious to talk about recovery now, when a full-scale war is still going on. But despite the war and the loss, the vine continues to grow and bloom every year. Our task now is to preserve what we have and prepare the ground for the future so that the cycle of life continues,» say the organizers of the event.

As a winemaker takes care of the vine after a frost, so Be Wine Show unites industry professionals to «warm up» Ukrainian winemaking from the cold February of 2022, which has stretched for more than a year and a half.

The organizers announce that the Be Wine Show will join the collection from United24: part of the funds from the sold tickets and drinks will go to the humanitarian demining.

Full event details and tickets are here.

Join the development of Ukrainian wine culture and become a partner of Be Wine! See you at the new Be Wine Show-2023!

Photo: facebook.com/bewineshow
