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Я підтверджую, що мені, на жаль, давно виповнилося 18 роківСоревнование в цифрах
В слепой дегустации 175 винных экспертов из 40 стран впервые вместе за долгое время с двумя экспертами из Украины(!) оценивали 4311 вин. В итоге, награды – 3 Grand Gold, 81 Gold и 101 Silver – достались винам из Австралии, Чили, Новой Зеландии, США и Аргентины. Самыми успешными зарубежными производителями на летней дегустации признаны бренд Casella Family из Австралии (1 Grand Gold, 14 Gold и 11 Silver) и Delicato Family Vineyards из США (2 Gold и 8 Silver).
Италия в который раз выиграла соревнование среди стран за лучшие вина в летней дегустации-2018, завоевав 483 медали, за ней следуют Испания – 309 награды и Германия – 293. В квинтет лучших европейских производителей вошли также Португалия – 154 медали и Франция – 114. Украинские вина, в отличие от весенней дегустации, представлены не были.
От главреда
Это не просто глобальное соревнование – это винный, в этот раз четырехдневный, марафон, который длился в среднем более 4-х часов в день. За отведенное оргкомитетом время международное жюри каждый день оценивало порядка 45 вин.
Второй день для интернациональной команды, в которую входили эксперты из США, Китая, Аргентины, Германии, Украины, Словакии, был самым «красным», то бишь – сложным. Из предложенных красных вин в самом конце флайта было лишь несколько достаточно зрелых вин, однако не все из них еще достигли пика своего развития, и все еще обладали сильными, «кусающимися» танинами. В тот день из красных поразили итальянские мерло и австралийские каберне совиньон. Интересны немецкие вина из сортов Каберне Кортис, Каберне Карбон, Каберне Кубин, Каберне Дорио и Каберне Дорса. Эти образцы с хорошими перспективами, и виноделам есть еще над чем работать. Уникальной особенностью конкурса стали точность, компетентность и открытость, в чем большая заслуга возглавлявшего команду Организационного комитета директора дегустации Кристиана Вольфа.
Традиционно судьи MUNDUS VINI уделяют время не только слепым дегустациям. Организаторы мероприятия предоставляют возможность посетить также немецкие винодельни и продегустировать образцы, не участвующие в конкурсе. Помимо дегустации на приветственном ужине в Hofgut Ruppertsberg, где были представлены вина-победители прошлого сезона, члены жюри смогли посетить уникальную винодельню Dreissigacker, расположенную в регионе Райнхессен, а также дегустацию премиум Cava совместно с CRDO Cava, организованную ICEX – испанским агентством по продвижению вина. Pedro Ballesteros MW представил Cava Gran Reserva, а также наивысшую категорию, введенную два года назад, – Cavasde Paraje Calificado от восьми производителей. Все эти события мы опишем подробно в статьях на портале drinks.ua и в журнале Drinks+.
Не дегустациями едиными: Wine Export Meeting
Новая опция, добавленная в этот раз организаторами, – Wine Export Meeting. Во время конференции шесть докладчиков из разных стран представляли определенные винные рынки. Алекс Беркли (США), Тор Зигфрид Фростмо (Норвегия) Крис Альбас (Нидерланды), Субаш Аурора (Индия), Ми Ен Хонг (Корея) и Роберт Джозеф (Китай) рассказали вкратце о принципах винодельческой отрасли в своих странах.
Уже сейчас очевидно, что конференция станет эффективным месседжем на каждом мероприятии MUNDUS VINI и будет пользоваться широкой популярностью.
Комментарии членов-жюри MundusVini
PhD Andrii Tarasov, Ukraine, lecturer of Wine Chemistry, Hochschule GEISENHEIM University: «Organization of Mundus Vini 2018 was as usually on the high level. Many various wines were offered during the tasting days. For instance, apart from the excellent Riesling, there were interesting examples of less known white German varieties, such as Kerner, Bacchus. Speaking of red wines, the Australian Shiraz wines were memorable demonstrating good ripeness of grapes with vivid aromas of berries, coffee and chocolate».
CAV. Subhash Aurora, India, president of Delhi Wine Club, Indian Wine Academy: «The famous German efficiency showed in plenty in Mundus Vini which seems to be well-oiled machinery, capable of running on its own. But the disciplined German officials were not only excellent in toiling hard but very focused, ensuring there were no errors anywhere in the result which is another unique feature of this competition headed by Christian Wolf, Director of Tasting».
Gerard Devos, Belgium, wine trainer and wine journalist: «I find that the quality is higher than before we have taste great red wines from Spain and white wines from Germany and Italy. Unfortunately, we found, that the Bordeaux felt too oaky and too dry in the mouth. We have given three great gold medals. Our group was very close and very professional. The organization of the tasting was PERFECT».
Stefania Belcecchi, Italy, a wine writer, a judge in international and national wine competition, wine ambassador and sommelier: «I’m a member of the jury of Mundus Vini for 6 years. I’m really proud of it. I already knew the fame of this competition. There are many wine competitions that take place every year around the world, but only a few really have resonance in the world of wine. Mundus Vini la one of those few. Every year, more and more producers send samples to Mundus Vini with the hope of winning a medal. In the tap editions of 2018 more than 11,000 wines from all over the world were tested. Each medal represents a double guarantee for those who produce and for those who buy. I personally could see this. In fact, the winemakers of my country believe a lot in this Award. Italy is the country that has more wines in competition».
Attila Geonczeol, Slovakia/Hungary, enologist and wine marketing consultant, wine writer, owner of wine boutique and winery: «This was my 7th Mundus Vini. Everything was different a bit because of the wines, the professional programs and because you can make new contacts with wine people from all over the world. You can check here the new wine trends, how where the orange wines put on the map, how the artificial yeast smell (what was almost an expectation before) became almost a wine fault, or participate a high end Cava tasting. The wines this year were not so outstanding in my committee but we have found some great reds. It happens when you have ‘only’ 200 wines from more than 4000».
Simon Cassina, United Kingdom, sommelier consultant in UK, qualified wset educator up level 3, buyer & blogger, owner of a wine boutique: «I had a flight of 10 VERDICCHIO that we found very good. No gold medals given but we had stable standard among all white wines. My favoriteI discovered that was from Matelica with good body and length, green apple and minerality typical zesty crisp dry mineral characteristic of the grape varietal (from Marche), Vintage 2017. Our best flight was the last one of the competition with 15 RIESLING 16/17 vintage. The best expression were from Germany especially from Franken. All between Spatlese and Auslese style I will say up to 45 g/l sugar but well balanced with tart acidity (malic acidity) Amazing aromatic floral nose, citrus, green apple, sweet spices, stone fruits, grapefruits… All very intense, deep but not sticky leaving a clean mouth with an accentuate salivation in the mouth. 2 Gold from me and 12 Silvers and only one no medals (dirty buttery nose, bland, floral, neutral)».
Daniel López Roca, Argentina, wine journalist, creator of Argentine Wines.com: «I must say that after tasting lots of wines from several styles and origins at Mundus Vini Summer Edition 2018. I was really impressed with a flight of Merlot varietals and blends. Both blended wines as well as 100 percent Merlot wines offered ripe, fruity aromas and complex, supple, full-bodied flavors. Most with good fruit and acidity and long, complex finishes. The surprise was to know all of them came from Spain. Even if Merlot is not a wine that readily comes to mind when discussing Spanish wines, I gave them 9 gold medals from a total of 15 wines (all other I gave big silver ratings). They came from such different regions as Alicante, Penedés, Castilla la Mancha, Navarra, Somontano, Utiel-Requena and Balearic Islands. Taking into account that Merlot makes up only 2-3% of the wine produced in Spain these examples were very good indeed».
Vili Galabova, Bulgaria, CEO of the Bulgarian Wine Academy, international wine consultant and wine journalist: «MUVI summer edition 2018 was another record breaking in terms of sample entries, with especially strong participation of German, Italian and Spanish wines. My special preferences this time lie in favor of Spanish Tempranillo, which even in its very young versions of vintage 2017 showed complexity, attractive fruitiness and quite soft finishes. Further Eastern European whites also displayed positive development, especially valid for the fresh and aromatic varieties. Finally, I believe that for years to come German Riesling will be the unchallenged king of all whites at MUVI».
Tugba Altınoz, Turkey, wine consultant &wine educator:«In our panel we have taste many red wines with residual sugar between 4-12 gr and 12 to 45 gr. Mostly from Spain and Portugal. Also semi-dry, semi-sweet Sauvignon Blancs from Germany. These were not impressed ne of course but the styles I have to mention. The others were good quality oaked and unoaked dry and white wines anda traditional method sparkling wines. Cheers!»
Фото: MundusVini, Ольга Пиневич