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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


Wine biennale in Vienna: VieVinum 2024 announces new collaborations


VieVinum, a wine biennale held in Vienna, is Austria’s biggest and most important wine event, and one of WTA‘s nominees and a voting winner in the Enogastronomic event / Magnet of the region category. 

The fair’s exhibitors include both domestic and international wine producers and wine traders. VieVinum is focused on cultivating new trade contacts and developing existing partnerships, which makes it one of the most important and influential wine industry events in Austria and in the whole of Europe and a major platform for restaurant owners, traders, representatives of specialized media and wine lovers and experts to meet already well-known wine-growers and make new discoveries. 

VieVinum gives its visitors a perfect overview of the Austrian wines scene, as well as an interesting presentation of a selected range of international wines. The fair also hosts numerous events in collaboration with the hospitality and gastronomy sector. Vie Vinum 2024 is not an exception. One of such collaborations has already been announced by the organizers of the show at their website.

On May 22-24, the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, the German Society for Tourism Research (DGT) and Vienna University of Applied Sciences (FH Wien) host the 6th Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference (CWTC24) in Wachau, just 1 hour‘s drive from Vienna. It‘s only logical that the. Ore audience of this conference would take a special interest in what the region‘s wine industry has to offer. So the CWTC24 will close up with a field trip to the VieVinum 2024, on May 25th! Perfect match, and a wonderful combination of gastronomic, tourism and wine experience!

It’s also worth mentioning that VieVinum, traditionally, will be held in the ambiance of the magnificent Hofburg, a unique historical imperial conference and event centre in the heart of Vienna. For over 700 years, both ancient and modern history have been written within its walls. The architecture of Hofburg is an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary trends, and state-of-the-art events technologies with various halls equipped for multifunctional purposes make Hofburg a perfect location for high-c;ass events, such as VieVinum.

We are looking forward to more updates on the forthcoming VieVinum 2024 from the organizers, expecting a perfect selection of exhibitors, lots of master-classes and lectures from wine experts and the School of Wine, and other cool activities for the industry professionals and wine lovers. Stay tuned, and save the date:

VieVinum 2024

May 25-27

Hofburg, Vienna, Austria.
