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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Marianna Sigala

Wine Travel Awards in the new book co-edited by Marianna Sigala


Together with Coralie Haller, Marianna Sigala co-edited a new book devoted to new managerial approaches and cases in wine tourism – Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism. It combines theory and practice with research findings of tech advances on wine tourism, enriches knowledge and practice on wine tourism by including case studies related to new tech, consolidates research from major fields to demonstrate innovation in wine tourism.

In the section of Business Awards and Wine Tourism: A Source, Spur and Transfer of Innovation, the Wine Travel Awards are mentioned as an example of awards in the wine tourism industry. The practice of business awards has been applied in the tourism field for a long time. Usually, the organizers are related to tourism governmental structures, destination organisations, tourism industry bodies and associations. The wine tourism industry is not an exception from this trend. Wine tourism awards are established at both local and international levels and have different formats. Here, WTA definitely stands out for its hybrid advertising media approach and flexible marketing programs that do not lose their relevance today. Moreover, it is one of those rare cases where the goal is to reunite different operators of the industry into one community.

Marianna Sigala

Marianna Sigala is Professor of Marketing at the University of Piraeus, Greece, and member of the WTA Advisory Board. She previously worked as Professor of Tourism and the Director of the Centre for Tourism & Leisure Management at the University of South Australia (2015 – 2021). She has also been an academic staff at the University of Strathclyde and Westminster University (UK), and the University of the Aegean (Greece). Marianna is a widely published and multi-awarded author in the fields of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in tourism and hospitality, as well as in wine tourism.

You can expect Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism appearing in the market soon. Meanwhile, the e-version of the book can be found here.
