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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


WTA goes to the IWINETC 2023

10.01.2023, News

We are delighted to announce that WTA continues cooperating with the International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC) as the Information Partner in 2023.

IWINETC, organised by Wine Events Worldwide, is considered one of the most respected global events for the wine and gastronomic tourism industry. Over the years, the event was held in Portugal, Italy, Spain, France, Hungary, Georgia, and Croatia.


The 14th edition of Conference & Exhibition 2023 will be held in the Hotel Cuitat Tarragona, Spain. The conference begins at 09.00 on Thursday 23rd and ends at 13.00 on Friday 24thMarch. The program includes a guided walking tour of the UNESCO Tarragona World Heritage Site, insightful discussions and conference talks, time at the exhibition area, tasting tours, etc.


This year, the WTA team will give a conference talk “Shine Bright Like a Diamond. Add Value to your Wine Tourism Brand: What Wine Travel Awards can Offer” where we will present the project. In the competitive wine & spirit world, businesses, brands and personalities look for cutting-edge tools to differentiate themselves, to promote their services and raise awareness about their products. The Wine Travel Awards – an innovative PR and marketing project in the field of wine tourism – perfectly respond to this demand.


Let us remind you that IWINETC participated in the Prize Fund for WTA winners of the first edition. Pago de Carraovejas, the WTA public voting winner in Must Visit, Frank John winery, the WTA winner in Progressive Approach, and Miguel Leal, who became the public voting winner in the Guide of the Year and received the Judge’s Choice Award, are invited to attend the 14th edition of IWINETC free of charge.
