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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Forrel consultancy MM2 SDN

14.04.2018, Предложения для дистрибьюторов

Мистер Юсуф Танку (Yusuf  Tanku) из Малайзии готов стать представителем Вашей продукции в его стране на конкурсной основе.

Необходимо предоставить полный список продуктов и прейскурант.

Yusuf Tanku
(Forrel consultancy MM2 SDN. GHM, Malaysia.)
Address: Level 5,8& & 12 wisma Satok Jalan satok 9340
Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia.
Mob: +60-16-2478584

Greeting sir/madam
I met your company  at the beverage trade network in new york 0ct 2017, My names are Yusuf  Tanku, I am a trade representative in Malaysia and a registered contracting agent.
Your products are highly needed in Malaysia by the government through a Competitive tender and i would like to make a preliminary presentation/introduction
of your products to the Tender Committee for their consideration. If you will be interested to submit offer for your products, kindly respond with the following information below:
1) Complete Product’s List
2) Price List
I will provide more information and terms as soon as you declare an interest
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon
Kind Regards.
