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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

The library of the Wine Travel Awards team was replenished with a valuable book

01.07.2022, News Автор: Olga Pinevich-Todoryuk

A wine travel guide to the Grands Crus Classés of Médoc and Sauternes was presented to the WTA project lead at La Cite du Vin.

Director of Conseil des Grands Crus Classés 1855 Sylvain Boivert presented to Oleksandra Hryhorieva, WTA project Lead, the illustrated wine travel guide to the Grands Crus Classés of Médoc and Sauternes during the chamber presentation of the Wine Travel Awards (new project of Drinks+ Communication Media Group) and an exclusive tasting from Vinos de La Luz group at La Cite du Vin.

Bordeaux 1855: A Guide to the Grands Crus Classés Médoc & Sauternes authored by Conseil des Grands Crus Classés, foreword by Stéphane Bern. This wonderful and landmark for the WTA Team practical guide features thirty-five wine châteaux in the prestigious Grands Crus Classés classification, producing the finest red and white wines in Bordeaux.

Wine Travel Awards


This guide presents a brief history of each estate, a description of the vineyard and the terroir, instructions for getting there, details of château stays, and various tours and wine-tasting and food-pairing sessions offered.

All in all, this guide reveals the splendor of the Bordeaux vineyards and provides everything the traveler needs to discover or to learn in a new way at the birthplace of wine as well as becoming the ideal companion for the wine lovers and for those who prefer discovering wines from the professional literature.

Wine Travel Awards

So, we are ready now to discover the world’s finest wines and their heritage from an original perspective through its magnificent châteaux architecture and history, legendary wine cellars, tastings and workshops, regional cuisine and museums.

About the Author

The Conseil des Grands Crus Classés actively protects and promotes the highest quality wines and their wine estates in Bordeaux. Stéphane Bern is a journalist for Le Figaro and a popular radio and television presenter. He is the author of numerous books including The Best Loved Villages of France and Luxembourg: History, Landscape, and Traditions, both published by Flammarion.
